Lee County Introduces Website for Islanders to Track Causeway Progress
Oct 11, 2021 05:00PM ● By Jessica Wagner
Photo Courtesy of TOTI Media, Inc.
The Shoreline Stabilization Project that is currently ongoing on Sanibel Causeway Island B now has its own website. This website allows Islanders to track the progress of the Causeway Project.
The Project is very important to Sanibel Island’s erosion problem. “It consists of clearing exotic vegetation along the shoreline, excavating some existing stone which will be reused, placement of new beach sand, and construction of T-groins — a structure that is built perpendicular to the shoreline and is used to capture sand preventing it from eroding off the beach,” according to Sanibel-Captiva Island Reporter.
In addition, there will be shell parking areas, stormwater management areas, and beach and picnic pavilions added to the Island. Plus, the existing fishing areas will see an improvement in access.
The Pine Island Sound side of the Island is currently being worked on and the San Carlos Bay side of the Island is next.
Areas of Island B will be off-limits as construction continues and is expected to be complete by Spring of 2022.
For more information and to stay up-to-date on the latest news, visit the Causeway Islands website.